To thread, tweeze or wax?

We know, it can be overwhelming when choosing a brow shaping method. It’s our most commonly asked question; "what’s the difference between threading, tweezing and waxing?" Well, it’s all dependent on your skin. For clients with more sensitive skin, we would always recommend threading or tweezing, as they are a more gentle method of hair removal.

Whilst a brow wax is our most common service, if you use any active skincare, such as retinol or vitamin A, or take any skin medication such as accutane, we would always suggest a tweeze or thread. Waxing on these skin types can cause a nasty little reaction called a skin lift. A skin lift occurs when the skin is extra sensitive, and instead of the wax solely removing the hair on the skin, it removes the top layer of skin underneath as well. 

*KFE fun fact - even if you don't use retinol directly on your brows, this powerful little guy will still seep into your skin and spread to your entire face, which means still no waxing, no matter where you put your retinol!

So, what's the difference between threading and tweezing then? Threading picks up ALL those tiny little hairs you didn't even realise were there. I’m someone who fills in my brows to look structured and clean and find it so much easier to fill them in when there's no fluffy fine hairs in the way. All in all, all three methods can give the exact same outcome, so have a chat to your artist and together, you can decide what's best for your skin.

Still confused and unsure what to book? If you're new to the salon, book in for a 'New Client Brow Wax and Tint'. This appointment is specifically tailored to brow newbies, so we can take the time to discuss the different methods, and get to know your brows. 

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